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Bling Kai
Bling Kai

Junior Member, Male, 29

Bling Kai was last seen:
Oct 2, 2016
Bling Kai
Last Activity:
Oct 2, 2016
Nov 29, 2015
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Oct 26, 1995 (Age: 29)

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Bling Kai

Junior Member, Male, 29

Bling Kai was last seen:
Oct 2, 2016
    1. Haywood Jablomi
      Haywood Jablomi
      Yo I think a death note game is about to start. Hoping you will play
      1. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Yo! I didn't even see this post my bad. Hey your name sounds familiar I believe it's because I have played a few dn games wit you right?
        Dec 28, 2015
      2. Haywood Jablomi
        Haywood Jablomi
        Yeah back on the NB days.
        Dec 28, 2015
      who is this bitch
      1. Bling Kai likes this.
      2. SD
        dbz is shit
        Dec 15, 2015
        Bling Kai likes this.
        this guy is shit tbh

        >ignores me

        who tf u think i am son
        Dec 15, 2015
        Bling Kai likes this.
      4. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        This is ******* hilarious. seeing these posts on my profile really brightened My day this mourning. Nothing starts a day better than a good laugh am I right fellas?
        Dec 15, 2015
    3. Hades
      Do you watch DB super?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Frieza clansmen because it nice to be the race of the best villain in dragon ball( at least I think so) and they look so ******* cool. I think the best designed characters can only come from them.

        And I agree game is very fun I think it's the best DBZ game yet really really really hope it gets a sequel.
        Dec 10, 2015
        Hades likes this.
      3. Hades
        I agree 100% Frieza race rocks. So many things you can make it look like. I have 2 frieza race chars (all max lvl) and im thinking of making another one xD

        Yea a sequel would be very awesome. I liked that the chars could train you. The mission and the plot was well done. It really does need a sequel
        Dec 11, 2015
      4. Hades
        Though there is one thing that i didnt like. That the majin race male is fat buu . I was hoping it would be silm like super buu. Thats the only thing that i disliked
        Dec 11, 2015
    4. Princess Kaguya
      Princess Kaguya
      Sage-chan is that you?
      1. Bling Kai likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Princess Kaguya
        Princess Kaguya
        Awesome! I'v been busy with school and now work. I'm looking forward for the Christmas vacations! How have you been?:)
        Dec 6, 2015
      4. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Glad to here that I'm pretty good myself. If you don't mind me asking what do you do for work. And by school are you referring to college?
        Dec 6, 2015
        Princess Kaguya likes this.
      5. Princess Kaguya
        Princess Kaguya
        Yes, I'm a tutor at my college.
        Dec 6, 2015
    5. Hades
      Damn i forgot to say hi to you .

      So how are you doing?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hades
        Pretty great actually. No stupid threads here like in NB

        I Quitted NB
        Dec 1, 2015
      3. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Made the right choice I think even mods are quiting that place nowadays. No point being a mod of an inactive forum anyway. Hope to see you around here a lot. may this place live long.
        Dec 1, 2015
        Hades likes this.
      4. Hades
        Indeed,well said : )
        Dec 1, 2015
        Bling Kai likes this.
    6. Rohan
      If you might want to use this avatar :-

      @Shirou made it. :lewd
      1. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Yo thanks I'm not so sure it will look too good with the current avatar size of this place but ill give it a try. Is this Rezzy by the way?
        Dec 1, 2015
      2. Rohan
        150 X 300 is the proper avatar size of this forum. That avatar is 150 X 300 and as such it looks good.

        Yes, I am and welcome to SD. :lelenny7
        Dec 1, 2015
    7. Complex
      you still alive, welcome
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Complex
        100 times better than NB. Wait this site shouldn't even be compared to NB. It's just that much better
        Dec 1, 2015
      3. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        That's what I like to hear. Dn games are hosted here to correct"?
        Dec 1, 2015
      4. Complex
        yes they are, so far they've been successful
        Dec 1, 2015
    8. Trúth™
      Welcome mate.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Trúth™
        Ayyye. Ah, been trying to log in at least once a day and I rate a 10/10 rn. Mobile version def. needs some work tho,
        Dec 1, 2015
      3. Bling Kai
        Bling Kai
        Yeah mobile version is to framed together been trying to update some things on my profile for a good 20 min and can't find what I'm looking for and some things at very finicky. Some shit clicks itself. Anyway though hope to see you around here more often later for now. (also **** NB lol)
        Dec 1, 2015
      4. Trúth™
        I don't think the profile is too customizable at the moment, so maybe that's why you can't find things. Feel you on the finicky though, I have problems myself but I thought it was my net.

        No worries I'll be around xD
        Dec 1, 2015
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    Oct 26, 1995 (Age: 29)