Freeza - Easily the best character in the series. Cold and charismatic. Vegeta - Best Z Fighter. He's different from everyone else since he's a born sociopath. Plus, he wasn't even a true hero until the Kid Boo fight. Piccolo - Unlike Vegeta, Piccolo just seems conflicted, even during the 23rd. He would be the best Z Fighter if not for the Boo Arc ruining him. Piccolo Daimao - Second best villain after Freeza. Krillin - Best human Z Fighter. Roshi - You can really connect to him during the 21st.
Vegeta-Best character in the franchise hands down. His development and non-linear growth has been great and is easily the most interesting and complex character Toriyama has made. Also a great tsundere. Piccolo-Sort of in the same stratosphere with Vegeta, but just a little lesser version. Also a much better father to Gohan, than his own dad. Frieza-He's one of the characters that benefited a lot from Super and has actually developed into a tacticful and calculated character while still remaining the best villain in the franchise. Bulma-Still remains one of most relevant characters in the series and her chemistry with Vegeta in Super has me liking her even more.
Ehh too lazy to state why, but here are my favs. - Goku Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Also i think this sums up why many people like our childhood Hero and still best character: It's changed for me throughout the series but currently in this saga it would have to be Son Goku. Goku is an extremely reckless and selfish individual that fights for the single-minded nature of enjoying the good of the fight. He's pure in the sense that he has no malicious intent, and only really strives to better himself. He'll do stupid and insane shit for the sake of satisfying his battle lust, but he also will defend people since he dislikes unjustified killing. He's more so a hero by circumstance than a hero by choice. I guess in America he'd be classified as an anti-hero, though he's more like a classical hero, with selfish tendencies and anti-hero like qualities. He's quite a fascinating character really. He isn't all that deep or complex, but he isn't hot-blooded like many other MCs, nor does he prioritize fighting for justice and peace. He just fights to better himself. An innocent kind of selfishness about him is what I like. It's the fact they've highlighted this aspect to him this saga is a big reason why I find him the most interesting character currently. - Future Trunks - Freezer - Piccolo - Roshi
Goku - Main character. Pretty self explanatory. He's the one who gets most of the epic moments. Beats Villains. Gets to be hero of the day. Vegeta - His Development throughout the series is just phenomenal. Used to be a mass murderer who teared down Planets now he's Goku's dear rival and friend. I also absolutely adore how he deals with situations. He's more strict and severe than Goku but at the same time affectionate in his own way. He just doesn't give a shit, what you think of him. I just love anti-hero type of characters. Frieza - Best Villain dragonball introduced. He's a mad man who only thinks of himself. He would use anything underhanded or whatever necessary to achieve his goals. He thinks big and would take down anyone who stands in his way. Trunks - Just the fact that he's from the future and from another timeline makes him interesting enough. His entrance beating down Frieza with a single blow left a big impression. How at the end of the Cell saga he went back to the future and easily pulverized the androids was just way too funny and priceless. I guess what I'm trying to say is he has good entrances and exits. I also love his interactions with other characters.