Episodes: 1 | Source: Light Novel | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen SynopsisTwo years after the Summit War in which Straw Hat pirate Luffy lost his brother Ace, the story takes place on the Sabaody Archipelago. The protagonist, a young girl who has a strong admiration for Nami, sets off on a small adventure. This is an ensemble drama that focuses on people who do not "pursue" ONE PIECE, depicting the reunion of the Straw Hat Pirates from their perspective. (Source: Official site, translated)
It was an enjoyable piece of additional One Piece content. I have to say though, it felt like a mismatch mashup of different ideas that didn't really connect very well. At least the actual visual content was for better to follow than majority of the Egg Head action sequences which are mostly incoherent.
People are overrating the **** out of it. But it's enjoyable for what it is. I gave it an 8/10 but that might be generous. It's mostly because it's directed by Ishitani + related to OP. If it wasn't related to OP literally no one would've cared lol.
Yeah idk if it's still the case but it was in high 9's on MAL just bellow Frieren. It was very much hyped everywhere! I'll see for myself, from what I've heard, should be decent/great!